Ocean Pride Fisheries Limited - conviction information for 2016-12-19

Corporation details
Corporation name: Ocean Pride Fisheries Limited
Address: 169 Jacquard
City: Lower Wedgeport
Province/territory: Nova Scotia
Postal code: B0W 2B0
Country: Canada
Sector or industry: 114 - Fishing, hunting and trapping
Case details
Location of offense: 169 Jacquard Rd, Lower Wedgeport, Nova Scotia
Case summary: Ocean Pride Fisheries Limited is located in Lower Wedgeport, NS and specializes in the processing of Sea Cucumbers. ECCC was alerted to the possibility that Ocean Pride was dumping fish waste associated with the processing outside of permit conditions (i.e. in an area of the sea not permitted for disposal). Following an investigation including the use of a tracking warrant on the vessel, ECCC determined that the disposal log submitted by the vessel operator was incongruent with the positional data recorded by the tracking device. Ocean Pride Fisheries Limited was charged with the negligent filing of false or misleading information under  s.272.1(1)(h) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.
Roy Andre Leblanc did, between August 8, 2014, and November 6, 2014, at or near Lower Wedgeport, Yarmouth County, in the Province of Nova Scotia, dispose of fish waste into the internal waters of Canada, contrary to s. 125(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, thereby committing an offence under s. 272 of the said Act. Ocean Pride Fisheries Limited did, on or about November 21, 2014, negligently provide documentation that contained false or misleading information in contravention of s. 272(1)(h) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.
Enforcement notification:
Result: Guilty Plea
Date of conviction: 2016-12-19
Court level: Provincial and Territorial Court
Nature of offense(s):
  • Providing false or misleading information
Additional details about the nature of the offense: Not available
Legislative details
Act Regulations Section(s)
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) s.272.1(1)(h)
Date of sentencing: 2016-12-19
Location of sentencing: Yarthmouth, NS
  • Penalty for the EDF
Amount of fine(s): $30,000
Sentencing details:
On 19 December, 2016 before the Provincial Court of Yarmouth, NS, Ocean Pride Fisheries Limited has pleaded guilty of  the negligent filing of false or misleading information under  s.272.1(1)(h) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act and was sentenced to a fine of $30,000 to the EDF.
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