Noort Investments - conviction information for 2017-06-02

Corporation details
Corporation name: Noort Investments
Address: 330-522 Seventh Street
City: New Westminster
Province/territory: British Columbia
Postal code: V3M 5T5
Country: Canada
Sector or industry: 311 - Food manufacturing
Case details
Location of offense: 1925 Riverside Road, Abbotsford, British Columbia
Case summary: On 2014/09/26, Noort Investments’ property, the Snowcrest Foods facility, was inspected under the PCB Regulations. Enforcement officers observed 11 electrical capacitors labelled as containing PCBs. Enforcement officers checked their reporting system used to track reports of PCB equipment in use and there had not been any reports received from Noort Investments that were required starting in 2009.
7 counts.
Count 1: CEPA section 272.1(1).
Count 3: CEPA section 272.1(1).
Count 4: CEPA section 272.1(1).
Count 6: CEPA section 272.1(1).
Count 7: CEPA section 272.1(1).
Count 10: CEPA section 272.1(1).
Count 11: CEPA section 272.1(1).
Enforcement notification: Fruit packaging plant and land owner fined for environmental offences
Result: Guilty Plea
Date of conviction: 2017-06-02
Court level: Provincial and Territorial Court
Nature of offense(s):
  • Failed to submit a report
Additional details about the nature of the offense:
Legislative details
Act Regulations Section(s)
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) s. 272.1(1)
Date of sentencing: 2017-06-02
Location of sentencing: Abbotsford, BC
  • Penalty for the EDF
Amount of fine(s): $30,000
Sentencing details:
The 02, June, 2017, before the Provincial Court of Abbotsford, BC, the corporation Noort Investments has pleaded guilty of offense count 7 and 10; and was sentenced to pay a fine of $30,000 (Count 7: $5,000, Count 10: $25,000) to the Environmental Damages Fund.
The judge considered the principles of sentencing and the factors on environmental matters, including culpability, harm, absence of record, acceptance of responsibility, and deterrence.
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