Compagnie des chemins de fer nationaux du Canada / Canadian National Railway Company - conviction information for 2018-05-14

Corporation details
Corporation name: Compagnie des chemins de fer nationaux du Canada / Canadian National Railway Company
Address: 935 de la Gauchetière st. W
City: Montreal
Province/territory: Quebec
Postal code: H3A 2M9
Country: Canada
Sector or industry: 482 - Rail transportation
Case details
Location of offense: 935 de la Gauchetière st. W, Montreal , Quebec
Case summary:

Canadian National Railway Company (CN) specializes in transporting merchandise by rail.

To carry out its activities, CN requires a large amount of diesel fuel. In accordance with the Renewable Fuels Regulations, the amount of renewable fuel must be at least 2% of the volume of the imported distillate pool.

However, during the compliance period that began on July 1, 2011 and ended on December 31, 2012, CN imported 224,080,915 litres of diesel. With this amount—although CN had acquired 809,528 litres of compliance units during the compliance period—the diesel imported by CN was short 3,672,090 litres of renewable fuel.

In April 2018, charges were laid against CN for this offence.

Not Available
Enforcement notification: Canadian National Railway Company fined over $1 million for violating the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
Result: Guilty Plea
Date of conviction: 2018-05-14
Court level: Provincial and Territorial Court
Nature of offense(s):
  • Import of non-compliant products
Additional details about the nature of the offense: 139(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
Legislative details
Act Regulations Section(s)
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) Renewable Fuels Regulations 272(2)b)
Date of sentencing: 2018-05-14
Location of sentencing: Montreal, QC
  • Fine,
  • Penalty for the EDF
Amount of fine(s): $1,126,627
Sentencing details:

On May 14, 2018, Canadian National Railway Company (CN) pleaded guilty before the Court of Quebec, District of Montreal, to an offence under subsection 139(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA), for importing fuel that failed to comply with the Renewable Fuels Regulations.

In accordance with paragraph 272(2)(b) of the CEPA in effect until June 21, 2012, CN was fined $25,000. This money will be paid into the Environmental Damages Fund (EDF).

In addition to the imposed fine, the court ordered CN, under subsection 291(1) of the CEPA, to pay a sum of $1,101,627 to the EDF in order to promote the conservation and protection of the environment. This money must be invested in the Montreal region.

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