Mines Seleine, division de K+S Sel Windsor Ltée - conviction information for 2020-08-19

Corporation details
Corporation name: Mines Seleine, division de K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
Address: 755, St-Jean Boulevard
City: Pointe-Claire
Province/territory: Quebec
Postal code: H9R 5M9
Country: Canada
Sector or industry: 212 - Mining and quarrying (except oil and gas)
Case details
Location of offense: 50 Principal Road, Grosse-Ile, Quebec
Case summary:

Mines Seleine, a division of K+S Windsor Salt Ltd, operates a salt deposit in Grosse-Île, in the Magdalen Islands. To maintain access to the salt mine's port facilities, the shipping channel is subject to maintenance dredging. The sediment dredged during that work is disposed of at sea in an area covered by a Disposal at Sea permit issued by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).

On March 11, 2014, Mines Seleine obtained a Disposal at Sea permit. The permit issued by ECCC sets conditions to protect the marine environment. Between August 10 and September 1, 2014, the company disposed of dredged material outside the disposal area authorized by the permit.

4 counts of violating subsection 125(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 punishable of the 272 (3)b)(i)
Enforcement notification: Quebec mining company fined $400,000 for violating the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
Result: Guilty Plea
Date of conviction: 2020-08-19
Court level: Provincial and Territorial Court
Nature of offense(s):
  • Other
Additional details about the nature of the offense:

Not respecting permit that is issued by ECCC sets conditions to protect the marine environment.


Legislative details
Act Regulations Section(s)
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) CEPA - Section(s) 125(1)
Date of sentencing: 2020-08-19
Location of sentencing: Iles-de-la-Madeleine (Quebec)
  • Penalty for the EDF
Amount of fine(s): $400,000
Sentencing details:

On August 19, 2020, in Quebec court, Mines Seleine, a division of K+S Windsor Salt Ltd, pleaded guilty to four counts of violating subsection 125(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, by disposing of dredged material outside the disposal area authorized by the permit issued by Environment and Climate Change Canada.  The company was ordered to pay fines totalling $400,000.

The total amount will be deposited in the Environmental Damages Fund.

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