All Seasons Mushrooms Inc. - conviction information for 2015-04-24

Corporation details
Corporation name: All Seasons Mushrooms Inc.
Address: 3392 224th Street
City: Langley
Province/territory: British Columbia
Postal code: V3A 9J5
Country: Canada
Sector or industry:
Case details
Location of offense: 3392 224th Street, Langley, British Columbia
Case summary: Not available
Not available
Enforcement notification: Mushroom farm to pay $90,000 penalty for Fisheries Act offence
Result: Guilty Plea
Date of conviction: 2015-04-24
Court level: Provincial and Territorial Court
Nature of offense(s):
  • Allowed the deposit of a deleterious substance
Additional details about the nature of the offense: Environment Canada enforcement officers conducted an inspection of the organic mushroom farm in 2012 and identified a discharge of deleterious effluent into a nearby creek, in contravention of the Fisheries Act. An investigation was initiated. In 2013, another discharge point from the site to the creek was discovered and it was determined that the additional discharge was deleterious to fish.
Legislative details
Act Regulations Section(s)
Pollution Prevention provisions (subsection 36(3)) of the Fisheries Act General Prohibition 36(3)
Date of sentencing: 2015-04-24
Location of sentencing: British Columbia Provincial Court, Surrey, BC
  • Fine
Amount of fine(s): $90,000
Sentencing details:
On April 8, 2015, in British Columbia Provincial Court, All Seasons Mushroom Inc. pleaded guilty to a charge for depositing a deleterious substance into waters frequented by fish, an offence under the Fisheries Act. On April 24, 2015, the company was sentenced to a $1,000 fine and a sum of $89,000 to be directed to the Environmental Damages Fund, for a total of $90,000.
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