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Environmental Offenders Registry search results
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Showing 1 to 10 of 237 records
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Canada Wildlife Act
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA)
Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994
Pollution Prevention provisions (subsection 36(3)) of the Fisheries Act
Species at Risk Act
Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act
2-Butoxyethanol Regulations
Asbestos Mines and Mills Release Regulations
Benzene in Gasoline Regulations
CEPA - Section(s)
CEPA Section 46 Notices - Greenhouse Gases
CEPA Section 56 Notices - P2 Plans
CEPA Section 71 Notices - Toxics
Chlor-Alkali Mercury Release Regulations
Chromium Electroplating, Chromium Anodizing and Reverse Etching Regulations
Concentration of Phosphorus in Certain Cleaning Products Regulations
Contaminated Fuel Regulations
Disposal at Sea Regulations
Environmental Emergency Regulations
Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulations
Export Control List Notification Regulations
Export of Substances on the Export Control List Regulations
Export of Substances Under the Rotterdam Convention Regulations
Federal Halocarbon Regulations, 2003
Federal Mobile PCB Treatment and Destruction Regulations
Fuels Information Regulations, No. 1
Gasoline and Gasoline Blend Dispensing Flow Rate Regulations
Gasoline Regulations
Heavy-duty Vehicle and Engine Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regulations
Interprovincial Movement of Hazardous Waste Regulations
Marine Spark-Ignition Engine, Vessel and Off-Road Recreational Vehicle Emission Regulations
Microbeads in Toiletries Regulations
Multi-sector Air Pollutants Regulations
National Pollutant Release Inventory
New Substances Fees Regulations
New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers)
New Substances Notification Regulations (Organisms)
Off-Road Compression-Ignition Engine Emission Regulations
Off-Road Small Spark-Ignition Engine Emission Regulations
On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations
Ozone-depleting Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives Regulations
Ozone-depleting Substances Regulations, 1998
Passenger Automobile and Light Truck Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulations
PCB Regulations
PCB Waste Export Regulations, 1996
Products Containing Mercury Regulations
Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations, 2012
Pulp and Paper Mill Defoamer and Wood Chip Regulations
Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans Regulations
Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-Fired Generation of Electricity Regulations
Regulations Respecting Applications for Permits for Disposal at Sea
Release and Environmental Emergency Notification Regulations
Renewable Fuels Regulations
Secondary Lead Smelter Release Regulations
Solvent Degreasing Regulations
Storage Tank Systems for Petroleum Products and Allied Petroleum Products Regulations
Sulphur in Diesel Fuel Regulations
Sulphur in Gasoline Regulations
Tetrachloroethylene (Use in Dry Cleaning and Reporting Requirements) Regulations
Tributyltetradecylphosphonium Chloride (TTPC) Regulations
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Concentration Limits for Architectural Coatings Regulations
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Concentration Limits for Automotive Refinishing Products Regulations
CWA - Section(s)
Wildlife Area Regulations
MBCA - Section(s)
Migratory Bird Sanctuary Regulations
Migratory Birds Regulations
Alice Arm Tailings Deposit
Chlor-Alkali Mercury Liquid Effluent Regulations
Deposit Out of the Normal Course of Events Notification Regulations
Fish Processing Operations Liquid Effluent Guidelines
General Prohibition
Guidelines for Effluent Quality and Wastewater Treatment at Federal Establishments
Marine Mammal Regulations
Meat and Poultry Products Plant Liquid Effluent Regulations
Metal Mining Effluent Regulations
Metal Mining Liquid Effluent and Guidelines
Ontario Fishery Regulations, 2007
Petroleum Refinery Liquid Effluent Regulations
Port Alberni Pulp and Paper Effluent
Potato Processing Plant Liquid Effluent Regulations
Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations
Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations
Emergency Order for the Protection of the Greater Sage-Grouse
Emergency Order for the Protection of the Western Chorus Frog
SARA - General Prohibitions
WAPPRIITA - Section(s)
Wild Animal and Plant Trade Regulation
Sector or industry
111 - Crop production
112 - Animal production and aquaculture
113 - Forestry and logging
114 - Fishing, hunting and trapping
115 - Support activities for agriculture and forestry
211 - Oil and gas extraction
212 - Mining and quarrying (except oil and gas)
213 - Support activities for mining, and oil and gas extraction
2211 - Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
2212 - Natural gas distribution
2213 - Water, sewage and other systems
236 - Construction of buildings
237 - Heavy and civil engineering construction
238 - Specialty trade contractors
311 - Food manufacturing
312 - Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing
313 - Textile mills
314 - Textile product mills
315 - Clothing manufacturing
316 - Leather and allied product manufacturing
321 - Wood product manufacturing
322 - Paper manufacturing
323 - Printing and related support activities
324 - Petroleum and coal product manufacturing
325 - Chemical manufacturing
326 - Plastics and rubber products manufacturing
327 - Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing
331 - Primary metal manufacturing
332 - Fabricated metal product manufacturing
333 - Machinery manufacturing
334 - Computer and electronic product manufacturing
335 - Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing
336 - Transportation equipment manufacturing
3361 - Motor vehicle manufacturing
337 - Furniture and related product manufacturing
339 - Miscellaneous manufacturing
411 - Farm product merchant wholesalers
412 - Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers
413 - Food, beverage and tobacco merchant wholesalers
414 - Personal and household goods merchant wholesalers
415 - Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts and accessories merchant wholesalers
416 - Building material and supplies merchant wholesalers
417 - Machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers
418 - Miscellaneous merchant wholesalers
441 - Motor vehicle and parts dealers
442 - Furniture and home furnishings stores
443 - Electronics and appliance stores
444 - Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers
447 - Gasoline stations
448 - Clothing and clothing accessories stores
452 - General merchandise stores
453 - Miscellaneous store retailers
454 - Non-store retailers
481 - Air transportation
482 - Rail transportation
483 - Water transportation
484 - Truck transportation
485 - Transit and ground passenger transportation
486 - Pipeline transportation
487 - Scenic and sightseeing transportation
488 - Support activities for transportation
53112 - Lessors of non-residential buildings (except mini-warehouses)
541 - Professional, scientific and technical services
541 - Professional, scientific and technical services
551 - Management of companies and enterprises
561 - Administrative and support services
5615 - Travel arrangement and reservation services
562 - Waste management and remediation services
811 - Repair and maintenance
812 - Personal and laundry services
911 - Federal government public administration
912 - Provincial and territorial public administration
913 - Local, municipal and regional public administration
914 - Aboriginal public administration
919 - International and other extra-territorial public administration
Province/territory of offense
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
United States
Nature of offense
Allowed the deposit of a deleterious substance
Did not follow its environmental emergency plan
Failed to conduct a study
Failed to provide evidence of conformity
Failed to submit a report
Failure to comply with a directive
Failure to comply with an EPCO
Failure to inform an officer of a spill
Failure to submit a written report to an officer following a spill
Import of non-compliant products
Import or export without a permit
None of the above
Providing false or misleading information
Use of a substance without a permit
Date of conviction from
Date of conviction to
Corporation name :
11204572 Canada Corporation
Corporation location :
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Date of conviction :
Amount of fine(s) :
Act :
Pollution Prevention provisions (subsection 36(3)) of the Fisheries Act
Corporation name :
2253457 Ontario Inc.
Corporation location :
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Date of conviction :
Amount of fine(s) :
Act :
Pollution Prevention provisions (subsection 36(3)) of the Fisheries Act
Corporation name :
Groupe Marcelle inc.
Corporation location :
Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Date of conviction :
Amount of fine(s) :
Act :
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA)
Corporation name :
Town of Trenton
Corporation location :
Trenton, Nova Scotia, Canada
Date of conviction :
Amount of fine(s) :
Act :
Pollution Prevention provisions (subsection 36(3)) of the Fisheries Act
Corporation name :
Canadian Kraft Paper Industries Ltd.
Corporation location :
The Pas, Manitoba, Canada
Date of conviction :
Amount of fine(s) :
Act :
Pollution Prevention provisions (subsection 36(3)) of the Fisheries Act
Corporation name :
Plastique Royal inc.
Corporation location :
Laval, Quebec, Canada
Date of conviction :
Amount of fine(s) :
Act :
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA)
Corporation name :
Rio Tinto Alcan Inc.
Corporation location :
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Date of conviction :
Amount of fine(s) :
Act :
Pollution Prevention provisions (subsection 36(3)) of the Fisheries Act
Corporation name :
Peace River Hydro Partners
Corporation location :
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Date of conviction :
Amount of fine(s) :
Act :
Pollution Prevention provisions (subsection 36(3)) of the Fisheries Act
Corporation name :
Rio Tinto Fer et Titane Inc
Corporation location :
Sorel-Tracy, Quebec, Canada
Date of conviction :
Amount of fine(s) :
Act :
Pollution Prevention provisions (subsection 36(3)) of the Fisheries Act
Corporation name :
La Compagnie de Location d’Autos Enterprise Canada
Corporation location :
Dorval, Quebec, Canada
Date of conviction :
Amount of fine(s) :
Act :
Pollution Prevention provisions (subsection 36(3)) of the Fisheries Act
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